Title:Puni Puni Poemi
Released on year:2004
Released in:Fall
Num Episodes:24
Meet Poemi Watanabe, a spirited and determined 10-year-old girl affectionately known as Kobayashi. Fueled by her unwavering dream of becoming a renowned voice actress, she faces a daunting challenge. Her academic performance leaves much to be desired, and her attempts at voice acting are far from stellar. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when a malevolent extraterrestrial creature maliciously claims her parents' lives, plunging Tokyo into chaos. In the midst of this calamity, Poemi seizes a momentous opportunity. Armed with an extraordinary talking fish, she ingeniously crafts it into a formidable wand, promptly transforming into the exceptionally charming and mischievous magical girl known as Puni Puni Poemi. Bearing the staggering weight of a city's fate on her slender shoulders, Poemi fearlessly embarks on an epic quest to preserve the metropolis she holds dear. A tale of resilience, sacrifice, and unwavering determination unfolds as Puni Puni Poemi valiantly fights against the forces of evil. Brace yourself for a thrilling adventure that will leave you captivated and yearning for more.