Title:Saiyuki Reload Gunlock
Released on year:2017
Released in:Summer
Num Episodes:12
Embarking on their perilous expedition to thwart a chilling demonic revival, the indomitable Sanzo Ikkou forges ahead towards the western horizon. Within their ranks, however, conflicts simmer, threatening the very unity that binds them. Marked by strife, the quartet comprised of the steadfast Genjo Sanzo, the enigmatic Cho Hakkai, the fiery Sha Gojyo, and the irrepressible Son Goku, faces an arduous journey teetering on the brink of uncertainty. Yet, when confronted by a formidable duo of adversaries hailing from the untamed west, the cohesive force that holds their mission together and the very destiny they seek to safeguard dangle precariously in the balance.
Saiyuuki Reload Gunlock takes inspiration from the captivating Vol. 2 of the Saiyuuki Reload manga, as well as the thrilling Even a Worm arc. While paying homage to the source material, this adaptation incorporates its own unique twist with a gripping anime original ending. Prepare to be enthralled as Saiyuuki Reload Gunlock immerses you in a world of adventure and intrigue.