Title:Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su
Also Called:Shangri-La Frontier: Crappy Game Hunter Challenges God-Tier Game | シャングリラ・フロンティア~クソゲーハンター、神ゲーに挑まんとす~
Released on year:2023
Released in:Fall
Rakurou Hizutome, a sophomore in high school, possesses an insatiable passion for a singular pursuit: hunting down and conquering the most abysmal games out there. With unparalleled gaming prowess, he fearlessly dives into the world of virtual reality, seeking to dominate the latest sensation, Shangri-La Frontier. But will even Rakurou's expertise be enough to unveil the hidden depths and enigmatic secrets lurking within this captivating game? Prepare for an electrifying adventure as Rakurou embarks on a quest like no other!