Title:Shiawase Sou no Okojo-san
Released on year:2012
Released in:Spring
Num Episodes:12
Haruka Tsuchiya, a humble university student, shares her life with a unique companion named Okojo-san. To her surprise, Okojo-san, born high up in the majestic mountains of the North, found himself trapped in a pet shop. Driven by a sheer determination to escape, he devised a cunning plan that ultimately led him to Haruka's welcoming abode. Within their home, hilarity ensues as a constant stream of peculiar and amusing encounters unfold. Bizarre characters and curious critters are inexplicably drawn to their orbit, adding to the whimsical tapestry of their lives. Prepare for a side-splitting journey by immersing yourself in this eccentric world, where absurdity reigns supreme.