Shoot! Goal to the Future Songs Lyrics

γ‚·γƒ₯γƒΌγƒˆ! Goal to the Future
Shoot! Goal to the Future Songs Lyrics


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Shoot! Goal to the Future Songs
Shoot! Goal to the Future Ending Lyrics γ‚·γƒ₯γƒΌγƒˆ! Goal to the Future Ending Lyrics
Shoot! Goal to the Future Opening Lyrics γ‚·γƒ₯γƒΌγƒˆ! Goal to the Future Opening Lyrics

Anime Information

Title:Shoot! Goal to the Future

Also Called:γ‚·γƒ₯γƒΌγƒˆ! Goal to the Future


Released on year:2022

Released in:Summer


The illustrious Atsushi Kamiya, famed across the globe as the valiant captain of a renowned Italian soccer team, was once a formidable leader at Kakegawa High School. Meanwhile, Hideto Tsuji, a nonchalant student at the same institution, appeared disinterested in his school's declining soccer team. Little did they know, their fateful encounter would herald the dawn of an extraordinary tale, destined to become the stuff of legends.