Title:Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai
Released on year:2016
Released in:Summer
Num Episodes:12
In order to salvage the embattled Magical Kingdom and the Heavens, while also reigniting the vital energy known as akuto that binds all existence, the enigmatic Magical King Munto embarks upon a visionary quest. His mission? To locate the enchanting Yumemi amidst the mundane realm. Though seemingly an ordinary girl, Yumemi possesses an extraordinary ability: she alone can perceive the ethereal islands adrift in the celestial domain above. As Munto materializes before her, a profound awakening stirs within her, prompting a profound contemplation of both personal and collective responsibility towards our inextricably linked world.
Episodes 1-6 comprise an enthralling creation, carefully crafted to captivate fans of the franchise. These episodes ingeniously incorporate familiar scenes from the highly acclaimed OVAs released back in 2003 and 2005, providing a nostalgic yet exhilarating experience for viewers.