Title:Street Fighter II V
Released on year:2006
Released in:Summer
Num Episodes:12
Ryu and Ken Masters, a dynamic duo of devoted martial artists, embark on an extraordinary expedition to hone their combat prowess and expand their repertoire of techniques. Unfazed by the boundaries of their comfort zones, they venture across the globe, immersing themselves in various fighting styles and engaging with intrepid individuals who shape their destinies. However, their fateful journey takes an unforeseen turn when they become entangled in a web of intrigue spun by the enigmatic organization known as Shadowlaw. As the stakes escalate, Ryu and Ken find themselves thrust into a deadly confrontation with the nefarious M. Bison, where their very survival hangs in the balance. Summoning every ounce of their skill and determination, the duo must rise to face their ultimate trial and champion the forces of good against Bison's malevolence.