Title:Tales of Symphonia: The Animation
Released on year:2014
Released in:Fall
Num Episodes:24
In a tumultuous clash of parallel universes, two worlds reside in blissful oblivion of each other's existence. It is a matter of cosmic equilibrium, where the prosperity of one hinges upon the demise of its counterpart. Amidst this conundrum unfolds a captivating tale of an epic quest to revitalize a fading realm by invoking the very essence of celestial magic. Enter Colette Brunel, anointed as the esteemed Chosen One of Sylvarant, who embarks on a treacherous expedition alongside her steadfast allies, the indomitable duo of Lloyd Irving and Genis Sage. Venturing deeper into the unknown, their path intertwines with the fates of newfound comrades, powerful adversaries, and the highly coveted secrets shrouding the enigmatic World Regeneration. Together, the intrepid group seeks to unravel the intricacies of their shared destinies while unraveling the truths that lay concealed amidst the turbulence. Prepare to be entranced as forces collide, mysteries unravel, and the weight of a world's survival rests upon the shoulders of these gallant heroes. Embrace the enchantment as you immerse yourself in a realm where fantasy and reality converge, unrivaled in its allure and spellbinding charm.