Title:The World God Only Knows II
Also Called:Kami Nomizo Shiru Sekai II | Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai 2 | Kaminomi II | The World God Only Knows 2 | 神のみぞ知るセカイ II
Released on year:2011
Released in:Spring
Num Episodes:12
Keima Katsuragi, renowned as the illustrious "God of Conquest," resumes his relentless pursuit of banishing renegade spirits that have invaded the hearts of unsuspecting women. Bound by an unbreakable contract with the mischievous demon Elsie, he must reclaim his unrivaled knowledge amassed from conquering countless dating simulators, and apply it to vanquishing the ethereal inhabitants lurking within. These incorporeal entities, however, are not his only adversaries. Crafting an artful scheme to captivate the hearts of three-dimensional girls, a feat he detests above all else, challenges the God of Conquest at every turn. From exorcising martial arts experts to taming schoolmistresses, and even dealing with Elsie's eccentric infernal confidante, Keima encounters an array of unique female personalities that will test his intellect and possibly catch him off guard. Despite his preference for the animated realm where everything is controlled, he finds himself irrevocably ensnared in a lackluster reality, which compels him to press forward in his arduous pursuit of love.