Title:Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta
Also Called:The Pilot's Love Song | とある飛空士への恋歌
Released on year:2005
Released in:Fall
Num Episodes:26
In pursuit of unraveling the mystical "end of the sky," a concept deeply rooted in ancient folklore, young Kal-el Albus embarks on a remarkable journey to the ethereal Isla, a spectacular island suspended above the world. Emergent in this beguiling domain is the prestigious Aerial Division of Cadoques High, where Kal-el finds respite alongside his vibrant comrades, relishing a tranquil existence. However, harmony is shattered when an unforeseen assault by the formidable air tribe thrusts Isla into the throes of a gruesome conflict. Seizing the crown of solemnity, battle ensues, threatening to ignite a tempestuous war that could forever alter the fate of this celestial haven.