Title:Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku o Ketsui Shimashita.
Released on year:2013
Released in:Spring
Num Episodes:26
Immersed in the realm of fantasy, Raul Chaser nurtures a fervent dream of transforming into a legendary hero, poised to vanquish the formidable Demon King. Driven by this unwavering ambition, he enrolls in the illustrious Hero Training Program, doggedly pursuing his destiny. But fate takes an unexpected turn when the Demon King falls, leaving an eerie silence to descend upon the world. In a cruel twist of events, the Hero Training Program grinds to a halt, leaving aspiring heroes like Raul stranded without a purpose. Fast forward two years, and a disenchanted Raul begrudgingly ekes out a living toiling away in a humdrum job at Magic Shop Leon, a modest electronics store. The relentless monotony of retail life stifles his once-flourishing spirit. However, a captivating breeze of change swoops in with the arrival of an enigmatic newcomer. Initially flitting under the guise of an ordinary boy radiating charm, this striking individual is none other than Fino Bloodstone, a dazzling demoness with a twist—she happens to be the progeny of the late Demon King! Entrusted with the daunting task of guiding and mentoring this intriguing new colleague, Raul's world undergoes a majestic metamorphosis, pulsating with vibrant energy that eclipses his previous existence.
This captivating anime series flawlessly brings to life the enchanting narrative found within the first three volumes of Jun Sakyou's highly regarded light novel series, titled by the same name.