Ore no xxx wa Uchuu Hitotsu Paroles - Gurren Lagann

Ore no xxx wa Uchuu Hitotsu

Ore no xxx wa Uchuu Hitotsu Paroles

De l'animeGurren Lagann Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann | Break Through Heaven Gurren Lagann | Guren Lagan | TTGL | 天元突破グレンラガン

Toutes les paroles


Row row fight the power (x4)

No walls, no roof
Just move yourself and you'll prove
Whether you know it for a fact or not
Don't look back till you reach don't stop
Ok, go ahead and make your own way
Make today better than yesterday
But look, see the enemy's within
How you gonna win when you ain't right
Stand up if you're not down (word)
Fight back and never back down (cuz)
You'll get another hit if you not gonna
move quick
I'll bust another move while you not
gonna do shit

Row row fight the power (x4)

Round and round the world goes around
Don't get stuck in out of bounds
Tear the roof off if you down underground
Make you bounce without doubt with this
Drilling drilling, till I break through
the ceiling
Hitting hitting, till you reach top
We only humans obey what's given
But break yourself free from all raw

Row row fight the power (x4)

Yo, feel the earth under your feet
Underground music you can't compete
Better recognize now than early
Before my rhyme punish you off the beat
Imma let you know with my tight mic
Who's the next the best of all surreals
Unbelievable tactics for real
Gonna make it happen without a deal

Row row fight the power (x2)
Row row fight the power (x2)

Don't push me cuz I'm close to the edge
And I'm trying not to lose my head
Go to chase your game
Don't forget your face
No pain is no gain
Got no time to waste

Row row fight the power (x2)
Row row fight the power
Row row fight the power
Row row fight the power (x2)

No doubt, this is my last words
But peeps please don't get it confused
Fresh with ideas you can't refuse
I got more pulp than 100% juice
Now, get it? Then go and get it
Live your life the way you wanna live it
And me? I don't wait, I go get it
Challenging is what gets the credit
So bring it on let it flow
Seize the day till the next break of dawn
Till then yes, the battle is on
You'll see what I mean when my hustle is
People, it's time to fight the power
Break the unbreakable and climb the
Yeah, let's go switch the weather
And show forecasters who's the go-getters

Row row fight the power (x8)
Row row fight the power (x4)
Row row fight the power (x2)
Row row fight the power (x2)


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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Gurren Lagann Ore no xxx wa Uchuu Hitotsu Paroles - Information

Titre:Ore no xxx wa Uchuu Hitotsu

AnimeGurren Lagann

Type de chanson:Other

Gurren Lagann Informations et chansons comme Ore no xxx wa Uchuu Hitotsu

Ore no xxx wa Uchuu Hitotsu Paroles - Gurren Lagann