Angel Attack Paroles - Neon Genesis Evangelion

Takahashi Youko Angel Attack

Angel Attack Paroles

De l'animeNeon Genesis Evangelion Shin Seiki Evangelion | Shinseiki Evangelion | 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン

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Verse 1:
Late Saturday night, early Sunday
I woke up stretching and a-yawning
I got a visit by something out of this
I wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl

It had wings and things
And forgave my sins
I said "Hi !" - whatever it was grinned

Was it all in my mind, but it seemed so
Am I being tested against my will
'Cause sometimes people get tested that
The evil will feast on easy prey
But I'm not a meal, you can't take me
For all the good die young, only the
strong survive

Verse 2:
Sailing under false colours
You can't fool me
Taking on a false name or identity
You can hide your real purpose but
believe me do
Your mind's dense but I can see right
through you
In life we all get tested
I think you picked the wrong nigger to
fuck with
From the outside looking in
You think you're fut, but you're kinda

The joy of living high spirits carefree

Watch your back....
In case of an angel attack
A person or thing that I'll distress
Avoid....the prince of darkness

Was it all in my mind but it seemed so
Is this how the feeling's supposed to
feel ?
The joys of living high spirits
Watch your back....
In case of angel attack


Late Saturday night, early Sunday morning
I woke up stretching and a-yawning
I got a visit by something out of this world
I wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl
It had wings and things
And forgave my sins
I said "Hi!" - whatever it was grinned
Was it all in my mind, but it seemed so real
Am I being tested against my will
'Cause sometimes people get tested that way
The evil will feast on easy prey
But I'm not a meal, you can't take me alive
For all the good die young, only the strong survive

Sailing under false colors
You can't fool me
Taking on a false name or identity
You can hide your real purpose but believe me do
Your mind's dense but I can see right through you
In life we all get tested
I think you picked the wrong nigger to f*ck with
From the outside looking in
You think you're fut, but you're kinda thin

[thanks for visiting]

The joy of living high spirits carefree
Watch your back....
In case of an angel attack
A person or thing that I'll distress
Avoid....the prince of darkness

Was it all in my mind but it seemed so real
Is this how the feeling's supposed to feel?
The joys of living high spirits carefree
Watch your back....
In case of angel attack



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Neon Genesis Evangelion Angel Attack Paroles - Information

Titre:Angel Attack

AnimeNeon Genesis Evangelion

Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:Takahashi Youko

Arrangé par:Oomori Toshiyuki

Paroles par:Oikawa Neko

Neon Genesis Evangelion Informations et chansons comme Angel Attack

Angel Attack Paroles - Neon Genesis Evangelion