Can't get you Outta my Head Paroles - Neon Genesis Evangelion

Takahashi Youko Can't get you Outta my Head

Can't get you Outta my Head Paroles

De l'animeNeon Genesis Evangelion Shin Seiki Evangelion | Shinseiki Evangelion | 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン

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Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna do

When you're far away from me
Everything you mean to me
Becomes so clear, I can't wait to have you here
This could be the perfect place for me
If I could have you around to make it right

I see your face in my daydreams
And through the night
I wake up missing you so much
That's why I just...

Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna, gonna do

Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be, Just to be, Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna do

I can't wait to have you with me
To do all the things we do
To make you true and oh so special
I count every second I'm away
As a waste of time that I could spend with you

I see your face in my daydreams
And through the night
I wake up missing you so much
That's why I just...

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Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna, gonna do

Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be, Just to be, Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna, gonna do

Can't get you outta my head...
You always stay on my mind...


Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna do

When you're far away from me
Everything you mean to me
Becomes so clear, I can't wait to have you here
This could be the perfect place for me
If I could have you around to make it right

I see your face in my daydreams
And through the night
I wake up missing you so much
That's why I just...

Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna, gonna do

Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be, Just to be, Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna do

I can't wait to have you with me
To do all the things we do
To make you true and oh so special
I count every second I'm away
As a waste of time that I could spend with you

I see your face in my daydreams
And through the night
I wake up missing you so much
That's why I just...

[thanks for visiting]

Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna, gonna do

Can't get you outta my head
Got you into my heart, I'm goin' crazy
Just to be, Just to be, Just to be with you
You always stay on my mind
Most all of the time
And I don't know what I am gonna, gonna do

Can't get you outta my head...
You always stay on my mind...



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Neon Genesis Evangelion Can't get you Outta my Head Paroles - Information

Titre:Can't get you Outta my Head

AnimeNeon Genesis Evangelion

Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:Takahashi Youko

Arrangé par:Oomori Toshiyuki

Paroles par:Oikawa Neko

Neon Genesis Evangelion Informations et chansons comme Can't get you Outta my Head

Can't get you Outta my Head Paroles - Neon Genesis Evangelion