X-plicit Paroles - Neon Genesis Evangelion

Takahashi Youko X-plicit

X-plicit Paroles

De l'animeNeon Genesis Evangelion Shin Seiki Evangelion | Shinseiki Evangelion | 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン

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'' What the fuck, nigga !?
Hell, man ! What the fuck you doin',
muthafucka !?
What !? You a crazy-assed muthafucka !!

The fuckin' bitch is in the fuckin' bed
dyin', muthafucka !!

An' you's fuckin' beatin' your fuckin'
bitch like a BITCH !!

What the fuck is goin' on, muthafucka
Please ! You better fuckin' recognise !
- Hell, yeah !
You sorry-assed muthafucka !!
Please ! Hell, muthafucka an' me step
to me right now!
Mutha-fuck-that-nigga, please!!....''


'' What the f*ck, nigga!?
Hell, man! What the f*ck you doin', muthaf*cka!?
What!? You a crazy-assed muthaf*cka!
The f*ckin' bitch is in the f*ckin' bed dyin', muthaf*cka!

An' you's f*ckin' beatin' your f*ckin' bitch like a BITCH!

What the f*ck is goin' on, muthaf*cka!?
Please! You better f*ckin' recognize! - Hell, yeah!
You sorry-assed muthaf*cka!
Please! Hell, muthaf*cka an' me step to me right now!
Mutha-f*ck-that-nigga, please! ....''



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Neon Genesis Evangelion X-plicit Paroles - Information


AnimeNeon Genesis Evangelion

Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:Takahashi Youko

Arrangé par:Oomori Toshiyuki

Paroles par:Oikawa Neko

Neon Genesis Evangelion Informations et chansons comme X-plicit

X-plicit Paroles - Neon Genesis Evangelion