Title:Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai
Also Called:This Ugly Yet Beautiful World | この醜くも美しい世界
Released on year:2021
Released in:Summer
Num Episodes:12
In the bustling realm of high school life, Takeru Takemoto assumes the role of a diligent student by day and a dedicated motorbike courier by night. Little did he know that fate had an extraordinary encounter in store for him. One fateful delivery mission threw him headfirst into a breathtaking forest, where an enigmatic luminosity caught his eye. What transpired next was nothing short of astonishing - a resplendent cocoon unraveled before his eyes, revealing a mystifying maiden. This ethereal being, known as "Hikari," emerged gracefully, though perhaps a little too unclad for Takeru's comfort. Before they could fully comprehend the situation, an abhorrent creature materialized, posing a grave threat. Both Takeru and Hikari, empowered by a hidden force within, showcased remarkable capabilities, defying all reasoning. Intrigue and excitement steadily mounted as Takeru sought to decipher the enigma unraveling before his very eyes.
Welcome to Gainax's extraordinary masterpiece, crafted exclusively to celebrate their remarkable 20 years in the industry. Prepare to be captivated by a world where creativity knows no bounds and imagination takes flight.