VIVA★ROCK Paroles - Naruto

ORANGE RANGE (オレンジ・レンジ) VIVA★ROCK Naruto Ending 3 Paroles


De l'animeNaruto ナルト

Toutes les paroles
Écoutez "VIVA★ROCK"
sur Amazon Music Unlimited


ORENJI RENJI wo shitteru kai
kaa-chan-tachi ni wa naishou dazo
omase na ano ko mo kiiteruze
HAIUEI tobasu nya mottekoi

JANPU ichiban SURAMU DANKU kamasu
are mo kore mo dosoku de HAGU-KISSU-I
YOGA wo kiwamemasu KAREE kirai
hetare tougyuushi SANCHESU OOREI!

sekaijuu hora waratteru sora miagete
saa tachiagatte Oh Yeah
sekaijuu hora kawatteku min'na
So tachiagatte Oh Yeah

kokuen bori ni bottou BODI MA
isogu CHEN-RII
MY KOTEKA daiji ni migakiageru POPO-san
ote wo haishaku JAPANIIZU PIIPOO

sekaijuu hora waratteru sora miagete
saa tachiagatte Oh Yeah
sekaijuu hora kawatteku min'na
So tachiagatte Oh Yeah


Have you ever heard of the orange range?
Don't tell your mama or she'll think
you're insane
All the pretty girls listen and pertain
Our music's best for highway speeding

Jump number one Tyson doing the Slam
This and that all barefooted HUG KISS I
love you
I'll master the yoga Mr. Masera hates
A Bull fighter that sucks Sanchez

All around the world, see Looking up at
the laughing sky
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
All around the world, see They're
changing They're doing their best
Now get up stand up Oh yeah

Obsessed with the United Nations Even
Bodi ma Hathayasen
Peking duck Wire Action Chung Li
running on a bike
My koteka carefully polishing up Mr.
Let's see what you've got JAPANESE PEOPLE

All around the world, see Looking up at
the laughing sky
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
All around the world, see They're
changing They're doing their best
Now get up stand up Oh yeah


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Écoutez "VIVA★ROCK"
sur Amazon Music Unlimited

Naruto VIVA★ROCK Paroles - Information



Type de chanson:Ending

Apparaît dans:Ending 3

Interprété par:ORANGE RANGE (オレンジ・レンジ)

Paroles par:ORANGE RANGE

Naruto Informations et chansons comme VIVA★ROCK

VIVA★ROCK Paroles - Naruto
Naruto Argument

VIVA★ROCK Paroles - Naruto appartient à l'anime Naruto, jetez un œil à l'argument:

Prior to the birth of Naruto Uzumaki, a formidable demon known as the Kyuubi, or the Nine-Tailed Fox, unleashed its wrath upon the tranquil confines of Konohagakure, the esteemed Hidden Leaf Village. The cataclysmic fury ensued, disrupting peace and instilling fear throughout the land. Swiftly realizing the gravity of the situation, the village's courageous leader, the Fourth Hokage, valiantly sacrificed his life to seal the monstrous entity within the innocent newborn, Naruto. In the present day, we find ourselves amidst the vibrant tapestry of Konohagakure, where Naruto, despite his inherent hyperactivity and impulsive nature, navigates life as a talented ninja. However, his unwavering determination to ascend and take his rightful place as the revered Hokage of Konohagakure is marred by the prevalent social stigma associated with the dormant Kyuubi residing within him. As he grapples with acceptance and belonging, Naruto embarks on a treacherous journey, forming indomitable bonds with newfound allies, yet inevitably crossing paths with formidable adversaries.

Maintenant que vous connaissez l'argument, jetez un œil à une autre chanson de Naruto aussi appelé ナルト

Sur Naruto

Si vous voulez toujours en savoir plus sur l'anime de la chanson VIVA★ROCK, , ne manquez pas ces informations sur Naruto:

Naruto garnered a plethora of prestigious accolades throughout its airing, including the esteemed "Best Full-Length Animation Program Award" in the esteemed Third UStv Awards and an impressive rank of 38th in IGN's celebrated Top 100 Animated Series, securing the title of "Best Animated Show."

J'espère que vous avez trouvé utile ces informations sur Naruto aussi appelé ナルト