Oshiete Hokusai! Songs Lyrics

Teach me Hokusai! THE ANIMATION | おしえて北斎! -THE ANIMATION-
Oshiete Hokusai! Songs Lyrics


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Oshiete Hokusai! Songs
Oshiete Hokusai! OVA Lyrics and other songs Teach me Hokusai! THE ANIMATION | おしえて北斎! -THE ANIMATION- OVA Lyrics and other songs
Oshiete Hokusai! Opening Lyrics Teach me Hokusai! THE ANIMATION | おしえて北斎! -THE ANIMATION- Opening Lyrics

Anime Information

Title:Oshiete Hokusai!

Also Called:Teach me Hokusai! THE ANIMATION | おしえて北斎! -THE ANIMATION-


Released on year:2015

Released in:Summer

Num Episodes:12


Tenkorin Okakura, a laid-back high school student, finds herself yearning for a touch of divine inspiration in her life. With a fervent desire for her dreams to effortlessly manifest, she earnestly makes a wish to a deity of painters. The heavenly Raijin takes notice and answers her plea by summoning renowned historical artists to guide her on a remarkable journey. Now entrusted with the invaluable wisdom of these illuminating artistic pioneers, Tenkorin embarks on a transformative quest to unlock the true potential residing within her artistic soul. With unwavering determination and under the watchful eyes of her influential mentors, she dares to nurture her talent, striving to transcend the boundaries of her imagination and awaken the makings of a true master. Join Tenkorin as she sets forth on an extraordinary path, one that holds the promise of a resplendent future and unveils the extraordinary power hidden within her brushes.