Oshiete Hokusai! Lyrics - Oshiete Hokusai!

Kamisuzuki Kyodai, YMCK, 上鈴木兄弟, YMCK Oshiete Hokusai!

Oshiete Hokusai! Lyrics

From the AnimeOshiete Hokusai! Teach me Hokusai! THE ANIMATION | おしえて北斎! -THE ANIMATION-

All Lyrics


H to the O to the K to the U to the S to the A to the I hokusai!

Nani o yatte mo chūtohanpa ganbareru koto mitsukaranainda
Itsu demo kimatte tentekomai doryokutte honto mendokusai
Sainō naino I know dakara nani mo shinaino
Kore demo yume wa kanau no kanā...

De mo yarundayo

Oshiete hokusai!
Mae ni susumukara
Kōkai shitakunai

Oshiete hokusai!
Yume kanaetaikara
Chōdai yūki to hinto o

Yaritai to omō kimochi wa aruno?
Areba saikō sore ga sainō
Jibun shinjite tsuranuku kakugo tsuzukero shikōsakugo
Bintēji kara mitsukaru shintenchi kōkai suruzo manabeyo shinken ni
Issenchi demo sukoshi zutsu zenshin surya kyō mo ī tenki

Hora yaru ndayo

Oshiete hokusai
Ogata kōrin fōrin rabu
Takahashi yuichi no sāmon shitterumon
Kano eitoku zūtto gadan no toppu
Hakuin Ekaku zenga o egaku
Utagawa kuniyoshi kibatsuna ukiyoeshi
Kishida ryūsei sei hō reikozō
Uemura shōen sugoi no tōzen
Kuroda seiki kindai yōga no chichi
Katsushika hokusai maji tensai
Arigatō senjin banzai!


😭 We are very sorry but there are no lyrics yet.

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H to the O to the K to the U to the S to the A to the I 北斎!

何をやっても中途半端 頑張れること見つからないんだ
いつでも決まって てんてこまい 努力ってほんとめんどくさい
才能ないのI know だから何もしないの


後悔 したくない


ちょうだい 勇気とヒントを

あれば最高 それが才能
自分信じて貫く覚悟 続けろ試行錯誤
ビンテージから見つかる新天地 後悔するぞ 学べよ真剣に
1センチでも少しずつ前進 すりゃ今日もいい天気


尾形光琳 フォーリンラブ
高橋由一 のサーモン知ってるもん
狩野永徳 ずーっと画壇のトップ
白隠慧鶴 禅画を描く
歌川国芳 奇抜な浮世絵師
岸田劉生 セイホー麗子像
上村松園 すごいの当然
黒田清輝 近代洋画の父
葛飾北斎 マジ天才
ありがとう 先人 バンザイ!

Oshiete Hokusai! Oshiete Hokusai! Lyrics - Information

Title:Oshiete Hokusai!

AnimeOshiete Hokusai!

Type of Song:Other

Performed by:Kamisuzuki Kyodai, YMCK, 上鈴木兄弟, YMCK

Arranged by:Takeshi Yokemura, 除村武志

Lyrics by:Takahiro Kamisuzuki, 上鈴木タカヒロ、上鈴木伯周, Hakushu Kamisuzuki

Oshiete Hokusai! Information and Songs Like Oshiete Hokusai!

Oshiete Hokusai! Lyrics - Oshiete Hokusai!
Oshiete Hokusai! Argument

Oshiete Hokusai! Lyrics - Oshiete Hokusai! belongs to the anime Oshiete Hokusai!, take a look at the argument:

Tenkorin Okakura, a laid-back high school student, finds herself yearning for a touch of divine inspiration in her life. With a fervent desire for her dreams to effortlessly manifest, she earnestly makes a wish to a deity of painters. The heavenly Raijin takes notice and answers her plea by summoning renowned historical artists to guide her on a remarkable journey. Now entrusted with the invaluable wisdom of these illuminating artistic pioneers, Tenkorin embarks on a transformative quest to unlock the true potential residing within her artistic soul. With unwavering determination and under the watchful eyes of her influential mentors, she dares to nurture her talent, striving to transcend the boundaries of her imagination and awaken the makings of a true master. Join Tenkorin as she sets forth on an extraordinary path, one that holds the promise of a resplendent future and unveils the extraordinary power hidden within her brushes.

Now that you know the argument, take a look to another songs of Oshiete Hokusai! also called Teach me Hokusai! THE ANIMATION | おしえて北斎! -THE ANIMATION-