Title:Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito
Released on year:2021
Released in:Summer
Num Episodes:8
Hatsuki, a diligent high school student, finds herself captivated by her sister Hatsumi, harboring a deep and passionate crush. But on Hatsumi's momentous 16th birthday, an extraordinary event unfolds before Hatsuki's eyes—the sudden appearance of a vibrant emerald light, whisking Hatsumi away from her presence. Determined to uncover the truth behind this inexplicable phenomenon, Hatsuki embarks on a thrilling journey, guided by an adorable, plump baby chick-like creature. Together, they venture into the enigmatic realm known as "The Great Library," a vast repository of boundless worlds, meticulously preserved within magnificent books. However, Hatsumi's whereabouts remain shrouded in mystery, fueling Hatsuki's unyielding resolve to track down her beloved sister amidst the pages of countless tales. Thus begins an awe-inspiring quest, spanning the vast expanse of literary realms, as Hatsuki courageously pursues her one true love.