Kaze no Komori Uta Paroles - Kyou Kara Maou!

Kaze no Komori Uta Kyou Kara Maou! for Greta Paroles

Kaze no Komori Uta Paroles

De l'animeKyou Kara Maou! King From Now On! | Kyo Kara Maoh! | God? Save Our King | Maruma | ä»Šæ—„ă‹ă‚‰ăƒžçŽ‹ | ä»Šæ—„ă‹ă‚‰ă‹źçŽ‹!

Toutes les paroles


Wararan wararan niumasha wa hashiru
kiniro no mugi yurashite hashiru
wararan wararan kazaguruma wa utau
kinezumitachi no komori uta

Hahaue no sugata mienakute mo
Naku no wa wo yoshi wo hahaue

Kumo ni natte niji ni natte
Omae no koto wo mitsumete kureru

Wararan wararan niumasha wa hashiru
kiniro no mugi yurashite hashiru
wararan wararan kazaguruma wa utau
kinezumitachi no komori uta


Lalala, lalala the wagon is leaving
The golden wheat is swinging with the
Lalala, lalala the windmill is singing
the lullaby of the squirrels.

Even if I can't see you anymore
Please stop crying, mother.

I'll be a cloud, I'll be a rainbow
and watch over you.

Lalala, lalala the wagon is leaving
The golden wheat is swinging with the
Lalala, lalala the windmill is singing
the lullaby of the squirrels.


😭 Nous sommes dĂ©solĂ©s mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Toutes les paroles

Lalala, Lalala Le wagon part
Le blé doré balance avec le
Lalala, Lalala Le moulin Ă  vent chante
la berceuse des Ă©cureuils.

MĂȘme si je ne peux plus te voir
S'il vous plaĂźt, arrĂȘtez de pleurer, mĂšre.

Malade ĂȘtre un nuage, malade ĂȘtre un arc-en-ciel
et veille sur toi.

Lalala, Lalala Le wagon part
Le blé doré balance avec le
Lalala, Lalala Le moulin Ă  vent chante
la berceuse des Ă©cureuils.

Kyou Kara Maou! Kaze no Komori Uta Paroles - Information

Titre:Kaze no Komori Uta

AnimeKyou Kara Maou!

Type de chanson:Other

ApparaĂźt dans: for Greta

Kyou Kara Maou! Informations et chansons comme Kaze no Komori Uta

Kaze no Komori Uta Paroles - Kyou Kara Maou!